Having a clean running OS is a good way to keep your system running smoothly. How you do that is keeping all the old junk files and registry keys out of your system. The program I use on a weekly basis is called CCleaner and it's made by Piriform and you can get it
here free.
Some Screen Shots
Run the Program and click on the Analyze button and you'll get a summary of what can be cleaned. |
In the Cleaner tab you can select what you want to analyze and clean by clicking the check boxes on the left of the photo above. This helps you delete unnecessary files in Windows and browser cache that is slowing down your internet browsing experience.
By checking and unchecking the cleanings rules in the Windows and
Applications tabs, you can specify exactly what you want to be analyzed. |
The Registry Cleaner will show you problems it finds and can fix in your registry. | | |
Registry is a large area where your system really needs to be kept tidy because a messy registry can impact the time it takes for your programs to respond. If you have large unused or broken registry keys they slow down system performance and in most systems cause errors or system crashes.
The Uninstall Tool will show you all the applications installed on your PC and allow you to uninstall any you no longer use. |
I don't use the programs Uninstall feature very often unless I can't use the unused programs own uninstall feature.
The Start-up Tool shows you what programs are run when you turn on your computer. |
This feature I like to some degree because you can delete start up programs "start on system boot" option because in windows MSCONFIG.exe you can only disable and enable.
The System Restore tool allows you to view and delete any of the System Restore points that Windows creates for your PC. |
This is a feature I also never use because I have system restore disabled on my PC but other can see the conveyance in this because it would be easier to free up disk space on their HDD then to go digging for the option in Windows.
CCleaner has a comprehensive set of Options for you to customize it for your computer. |
When using CCleaner it's best to make sure you only clean what you want cleaned because you can easily erase your important system files and have to do a major repair of your Windows OS or do a complete reinstall all together.
When I use the program my favorite areas are the Cleaner and the Registry tabs because I don't have a need to use the programs other features very often.