Internet and Network Repair

Wired and Wireless routers have been getting faster and adding new more demanding features that put more stresses on its internal parts. 

The number 1 thing that kills these devices or makes them develop problems is heat or trapped heat even if the case’s they are in has air vents the components themselves have trouble getting rid of the heat. Manufactures tend to use less expensive parts that may work but they get to hot and desolder from the board and cause the router to shut off and you as a user lose your connection to the internet and your network. 

I’ve had one of the wired routers do just that on me in the past and thought “great now I need a new router” then I got to messing around and took the cover off and tried the router again it worked for about 2 minutes then shut off I then checked all the components and found several capacitors were so hot they burned my finger the second I touched it and after I unplugged the power it cooled and re soldered back to the board. Then I though let’s try a fan to keep it cool. 

Then I got the old CPU fan out of a dead PC and soldered it to the power connector of the router to keep it cool and tried it and success it works. I’ve been using this setup for about 3 years now with no problems. The same setup can be used for wireless routes as well and until manufacturers use better components they will still have overheating issues into the future.

So a D.I.Y if you are having this trouble and have an extra PC case or CPU fan lying around would be kind of long to explain in writing. So here is a video on what it looks like. 

(not what my router looks like but the fan mod is the same)

 Video from YouTube user Velaw8

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