Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lenovo B570 15.6 inch Laptop Frozen Issue.

It never cease's to amaze me how PC manufactures apply thermal compound too their CPU's.

My nearly 1 year old laptop was running around 50 degrees Celsius at idle and 70 degrees Celsius while watching 1080P video's and last night it froze up on me. I take the laptop apart and look at the heat sink and fan everything looks fine no dust, I take the heat sink off and what do I see ???

Enough blue thermal paste for 3 CPU's all over the place and dried out, I think they were applying it like cake icing. 

I clean up the mess with 91% rubbing alcohol and apply a little Arctic silver 5 thermal grease, put it all back together and turn the laptop back on. 
luckily the laptop still works. 
Now my max temps never get's beyond 60 degrees Celsius while watching 1080P video's and my idle temp is around 40 degrees Celsius.

I know I should have taken photo's but I was kinda upset I had to disassemble a new barely used laptop and replace the thermal compound so soon.