
I know you're probably tired of me stating that I'm a CompTIA Certified IT Technician. But this page is to explain how I got certified in the IT field.

Back in 2007 I got curious on how PC’s worked and wanted to learn all I could about them instead of asking a million questions to other guys that had the knowledge and driving them crazy. I went to a trade school that is local in my area and took an 18 month course and got hands on training with the diagnosing and repairing of the customers machines.

I also had hands on training at a construction site of a new elementary school that was being built to replace the old one and in the new building they were putting in a fiber optic backbone for the schools network. So I got hands on training on how to run fiber and install the connections and to test and make sure they worked when each was connected.  Then after the fiber was ran we then measured and cut Cat 6 Ethernet cable to each class room and installed the RJ45 connectors in the walls for the PC’s that was going to be used later on.

After that we found out that it wasn’t everyday there was a chance to see and participate in installing fiber in a new construction site while taking the course at the school.   

When that week ended we had some sore backs and knees from being up and down the ladder a few hundred times per day.

Then came the time to take our A+ Certification tests that I thought would be pretty tough though that wasn't the case it was actually pretty easy. I know they've changed them now but then it was mostly how you would correct certain problems when they came up in a multiple a choice answer.   

If you would like to contact me directly. 
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